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What is Garrys mod

What is Garrys mod
Garrys mod is a great game that revolves around basically "Building." In Garrys mod, you will be introduced to what is called a spawn list, and you can spawn props (Items, weapons, vehicles, entities) and basically create things. in g-mod you will be able to use tools also, here are some of them.

Welding tool - tool that constrains items through a weld.
Rope tool- basically makes a rope attached to whatever you click on.
Elastic tool- same thing as rope tool but stretches
Nail tool- Tool that creates nails in the prop(s) and constrains them.

These tools are just a couple out of the many many many tools you can use, and there are also about 60 other tools, too many to list.

The possibilities are endless to this addicting game, so I would say its worth a $10 investment on Steam.