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Does maria love shadow

Does maria love shadow
honestly, i have no idea, many people answer questions like this. they say "NO WAY! they are just freinds!" :P i do not agree, really, i think they would make such a cute couple! :3 and i do find images on google and it looks like shadow loves maria... but not so sure if she loves him back... :(

I don't think the idea of a hedgehog and a human in love really works.... and those pics you found are ONLY SHOWING HOW MUCH MARIA MEANT TO SHADOW(AS A SISTER!!!!!) That relationship is only brother and sister!!! Also those flashbacks he has are only showing his strong effection of siblings he had with Maria.When you find Shadow think of Maria there is mostly with sparkles on the backgroud, but that doesn't mean he loves her. He does love her....but as a sister figure and not in the romantic way. I think is good like that because they fit better like a sister and brother more than a couple. Shadow never saw Maria as a love material.Maria is described as nice,slightly childish, and hates violence.Also a DEAR SISTER and DEVOTED FRIEND TO SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG.