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How do you cframe in Roblox

How do you cframe in Roblox
The secret behind cframing is knowing a basic part's position Ex. (450,12.4,24)
and Rotation
Cframe is not just using a move or rotate tool and drag them down to a place where you want.


In each part's position, there are 3 numbers:
The first number represent forward and backward
The second number represent up and down
The third number represent left and right

The first and third number is the same depending on where your camera facing, so don't worry if I'm wrong or not.
Also I recommend not to put the second number a negative or players will glitch and maybe die.


Rotation is almost same as position but more advance, same it has 3 numbers:
(When using a rotate tool you will see 3 colors: red, blue, and green)
The first number is red - tilting: left or right
The second number is green - turning: back or forth
The third number is blue - fliping: up or down

Position Coordinates: (4.5,0,2.5)
Rotation Coordinates: (-79.174, -61.628, 39.964)

Once you know this pratice and you will get the hang of it. Notice there are many plugins for Cframe, plugins can enhance and make it a lot easier for you.

If you still asking where do I see a part's position or rotation coordinates?

- Open Roblox Studios and I recommend Edit a place (Build is laggy)
- On the top icon (the new 2014 update) Click View
- Near the left you will see Explorer and Properties (Click both)
- You will see 2 box appear, Now right click and insert a part
- Click the part in explorer and view its properties
- Its under "Data"

When Cframe beaware of collisions (disable it) or locked parts (unlock it)