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Where to find v2 and v3 bosses in Megaman 3 white

Where to find v2 and v3 bosses in Megaman 3 white
Flashman V2: the purple dead-end by ACDC Square.
Flashman V3: random battles in ACDC 2.

Beastman V2: the purple dead-end in Sci-Lab 1.
Beastman V3: random battles in Lan's doghouse, using sneakrun. (Lan has a dog? Where's it been this whole time? Scratch that, it's an alarm system.)

Bubbleman V2: the press-path dead-end by the bugfrag trader in Yoka 1.
Bubbleman V3: random battles in Beach 1 while you are at critical health.

Desertman V2: the square to the right of the hospital security cube in Beach 1
Desertman V3: random battles in the Ura Inn tv.

Plantman V2: a dead-end in Undernet 4.
Plantman V3: random battles in HospComp 3.

Flamman V2: a dead-end in Undernet 5.
Flamman V3: random battles around the water heater in Yoka 1 while using Oilbody.

Drillman V2: behind the bugfrag trader in Undernet 6.
Drillman V3: random battles in HadesNet.

All the other V2 and V3 navis, like Mistman, Gutsman, etc., are located in their original spots or from their operator.

Darkman V2: a dead-end in Secret 1.
Darkman V3: random battles in Undernet 6 with a bug in the NaviCust.

Yamatoman V2: a dead end in Secret 2 (or 3).
Yamatoman V3: random battles in the samurai armor in the Ura Inn.

Yes, Yamatoman. Not Japanman, Yamatoman.