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How do you beat Demyx in hollow bastion in Kingdom Hearts 2

How do you beat Demyx in hollow bastion in Kingdom Hearts 2
What I've been trying (I haven't beat him either) is I'v equiped the most helpful abilities for fighting him, then I equip a Mega Health potion. While you're fighting him Donald restores most of your health, if he dies use the Mega Health potion to bring him back and restore a little of your HP. After you've used the potion if Donald dies your best bet is to use Valor Form, so try not to waste your Drive before the battle. Also after beating all of the nobodies that you have to defeat before going to the Bailey run back and save so if you stop playing you don't have to fight them again. During the battle you want to use as many combos as possible, you also want to start running if Demyx starts doing this thing where he is sort of dancing and walking and playing his sitar all at the same time because he is either going to shoot bubbles at you, or bubbles are going to rain down around him, for some reason these hurt you. Also after he starts loosing some life, Demyx will shout "Dance water dance!" and you have ten seconds to defeat ten of his water minions. The best advice I have for you there is to do what I do and turn the controler at and angle so you can press the triangle and x buttons rapidly (pretty much you have to press them at the same time and doing this has worked for me). Take any opening you can to hit him, be fast, and don't get distracted is pretty much what this boils down to, good luck and I hope I helped, if I do defeat Demyx I'll let you know and try to help you if you still haven't. Ok I finnaly got him! Use fire magic and reaction as much as possible! And remember to watch out for those ten seconds when you have to defeat ten of his water minions :) good luck! EDIT: I've found a MUCH simpler way to defeat Demyx, even on Proud Mode and this is a sure thing that I've put to the test! Sora and Goofy's Limit, Knockmash is EXTREMELY useful in this fight, as Goofy locks onto Demyx and depletes almost 2 bars of HP! Also, if you aren't fond of fighting up close and personal you can always use Wisdom Form to shoot from afar. Otherwise, your Master and Valor Forms will get in some pretty hefty combos. Also, Sora's Limit, Trinity is very useful as well. In any case, go into this fight well prepared! Make sure Donald and Goofy have the lastest weaponry as well as making sure to upgrade all of your party's accessories. Make sure Sora has most of his abilities equipped and never go into a boss battle without potions and mega-potions on hand. Demyx is fierce with combos. Also, if the water clones are stopping you from winning, use the reaction commands or Donald and Sora's Limit Attack